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About the Sudan HF

The Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) collects donor contributions to make funding directly available to humanitarian partners working on the ground so they can deliver timely and effective life-saving assistance and protection to the most vulnerable
people in need.

The Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SHF) is a multi-donor country-based pooled fund managed by OCHA Sudan under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator.

It receives unearmarked contributions from donors – mainly governments – into a single fund. The funds are used for ongoing humanitarian operations and to respond to new emergencies. This is done through Standard Allocations and Reserve for Emergency Allocations.

The SHF reinforces and relies on existing coordination structures, which allows for evidence-based prioritization and complementarity with humanitarian, development and peacebuilding funding mechanisms. A HC vision statement developed every year which highlights the strategic focus and guides allocations for that year.

Invest In Humanity

The SHF is an opportunity for donors to pool their contributions to deliver a stronger and more coherent response in Sudan. Investments in the Fund will allow partners to reach the most vulnerable people and will help ensure maximum impact of limited resources:

SHF is timely and flexible: The Fund supports the delivery of an agile response in a fluid and rapidly changing environment, allowing operational partners to act quickly knowing that resources are available immediately for the most urgent life-saving activities.

SHF supports leadership, coordination and a needs-based response: Under the leadership of the HC, a wide range of relief partners jointly asses and prioritize the most urgent needs through an inclusive and transparent process, fostering collaboration and collective ownership of the emergency response.

SHF is efficient and accountable: The Fund minimizes transaction costs and provides transparency, accountability and robust riskmanagement. Recipient organizations are thoroughly assessed, and relief projects are monitored with regular reporting on achievement and impact.

SHF offers value for money: It ensures the most strategic, effective and efficient use of limited resources in difficult and often dangerous circumstances, making taxpayer’s money go as far as it can to save lives and reduce the suffering of women, girls, boys and men caught up in the crises.

Over Fifteen Years of Life-Saving Aid

Since 2006, the SHF has received over $1.4 billion from 15 donor countries and private donors. The SHF is trusted by donors due to its effectiveness, coordinated approach and established accountability systems – employing an exceptionally robust and reliable online Grant Management System. Contributions to the SHF are managed by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTF).

Donors to the Sudan SHF: 2006-2020 in US$ million
Donors to the Sudan SHF: 2006-2020 in US$ million

SHF – an introduction



How country-based pooled funds make your aid truly life-saving:




For complaints on SHF, please address the Head of Office and Deputy Head of OCHA at